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Addressing Privacy And Inclusivity Concerns

Hockey Canada Implements New Minimum Attire Rule

Addressing Privacy and Inclusivity Concerns

Mandatory Base Layer in Dressing Rooms

Hockey Canada has taken a bold step to address privacy and inclusivity concerns within minor league dressing rooms. Effective immediately, players are required to wear a base layer when surrounded by at least one other individual. The new policy, known as the "Minimum Attire Rule," aims to create a respectful and equitable environment for all participants.

This decision was prompted by feedback from players, parents, and coaches who felt uncomfortable or violated by the previous practice of changing without adequate coverage. The rule ensures that individuals have a level of privacy and dignity while changing in shared spaces.

Additionally, the rule aims to promote inclusivity by eliminating any perceived power dynamics that may exist when individuals are in different stages of undress. By requiring everyone to be dressed in a base layer, it creates a more level playing field and helps to foster a sense of camaraderie and respect among teammates.
